
Monday, March 5, 2012

School Week Wrap Up 2/27

Here are a few of the things we did at school last week.

William wanted to work with the penguin one-to-one correspondence work.  I got this from Montessori-n-Such. 

The heart counting cards were popular too.


The folder works drew some interest.  I keep them in the bottom drawer of a file cabinet.

I used velcro dots for most of our folder works.  It adds a point of interest.  Here William is matching frogs.  I got this printable free from Montessori Print Shop.

I store the pieces in plastic bags and use paper clips to attach them to the folder.

Elora worked on patterning.  This printable is available free from Montessori for Everyone.

Lockelan was hard at work growing.

William loves the Doorbell House from Melissa and Doug.  It has a doorbell and door on each side.  It also includes a set of attached keys for each of the doors.

Each door contains a little doll.  He loves finding them inside.

Once again William spent a great deal of time with the crayons.  He wanted to give one of his works to Lockelan.

We read "What's It Like to Be a Fish?".  It's part of the Let's Read and Find Out Science series.  I really enjoy these books.

 Elora decided to review the rocks on the nature table.  She compared them to the rocks in the guide book.

Elora also worked with the animal pattern matching tiles.  

 She was proud of her fully matched stack of tiles.

William has been enthralled with his Russian nesting dolls from the moment they were put on the shelves almost a year ago.  I highly recommend getting a set for your toddler.  There are many variates.  This set looks like knights.  I found it on eBay.

My father made a basic nuts and bolts set.  There are two different sizes.  Elora matched the bolts.

The she found the corresponding nuts.

We used the rhythm sticks during our closing circle time.  I really like the CD Multicultural Rhythm Stick Fun.

The fun continued around the house outside of school.  William was very interested in washing windows this week.

And that wraps up another week of school at The Cornerstone Academy.

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