
Monday, March 26, 2012

Dora, Ducks and Doctors

Things are slowly returning to normal around here.  I'm still a bit behind but I have several posts planned for this week with a goal of posting full time next week.  I do miss it because it provides a venue for organizing my thoughts and ideas.

We have had some fun lately.  Last weekend we took the kids to a local theater to see Dora's Pirate Party.  The both loved it.  Afterwards, they got to meet the cast.  William met Diego.  He was beside himself when Diego showed up on stage.  I realize he looks a bit shell shocked here but that was most likely due to the fact that my husband literally tossed him in Diego's lap.

Elora met Dora and Boots.  Dora liked her purse which made her blush a bit.

As we were leaving the theater, Elora remarked that Dora and Diego were much bigger than they were supposed to be.  A few days later I heard Elora say "You see, William, the television makes them look smaller."

We also had our annual Easter photos with live chicks and ducks taken.  It's always a bit unsettling because it takes a great deal of effort to get them looking good and smiling towards a camera.  And of course, this was our first attempt with three children.  The photographer is truly amazing and I was very pleased with the end product.  Matt and I both spent the majority of the time trying to keep William from hurting one of the animals.  We work a lot on being gentle but he simply gets too excited.

I may post a few of the outtakes later in the week; like when the chick crawled up on Lockelan's shoulder and started rubbing on his face.  There are also some great shots where the children are just enjoying the animals.

The kids made some paintings.  I only gave them two colors to experiment with.  It gave them a chance to explore how green is made.

I also setup a small doctor's office for the kids since it has been an area of interest lately.

The best part was the real band-aids.  It made a mess but it was worth it.

Our local grocery delivery arrived.  Matt left all the grains and bulk items on the counter as he unloaded.  Elora decided to arrange and decorate them.

And we officially finished the new swing set!  Well, technically my dad finished it.  We all love it.

I ended up with a swing for myself as well.  I convinced my husband that I had to have a comfortable spot to supervise from.

It has already provided hours of enjoyment.  The slide seems to be the most popular attraction with the swing a close second.


Lockelan loves the rock wall.

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